Tuesday, March 31, 2009

filler til i have something more meaty to write about...

I graduated high school in 2001. Little known fact, this was a year before I was supposed to graduate. Anyhow, during my Junior/"Senior" year I got braces. Well known fact, braces are a pretty big hit to a man's game, unless your game is really tight. For me, however.. "Little to none" doesn't leave much "Game Slack" to be had. Braces pretty much put my game in the negatives. So, I went into college as a brace faced, Seventeen year old freshman...

So, a few friends decide to go to a club and I go as well. I'm hanging out, a girl comes up to me
from behind and taps me on the shoulder :

Girl: "heyyyyy"
(I turn around and she immediately sees my braces)
Girl: "Nevermind."
(I down the rest of my beer with my head hung in shame)